Thursday, November 19, 2009

Turkey Trot

For those of you who live in LAie, you know what a huge deal the turkey trot can be, so I've heard.  Well this year due to furloughs and such they have decided to hold it after school, and have made the kindergarteners run optional.  I was asking Tevita if he was interested in running and this is what he says, "Well, what do I have to do mom?  Do I have to ride the turkeys or eat the most turkey?".  I laughed so hard.


  1. Too cute. I'm assuming it's a run that the kids at the school does?

  2. Hi kari-
    I hope you guys had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I love following your blog and seeing how big your kids are getting. Our blog is and I am starting to be better about updating. Well tell your family hello.
    Love Sara
