Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Today I cried.....

Today Sharon sold her car.  As I went to pick her up from giving it to the new owners, I totally cried.  I realized what a staple item that car has been around our house the last 5 years.  It was the horn, really.  That horn could make my kids dive undercover from anywhere in the house.  They would squeal at the top of their lungs, "Sharons here.  Hurry, hide.  Now!"  If Tevita was playing in the neighborhood and he heard that beep-beep, he would come running down the street, all dirty with a stick or two in hand.  He would give Sharon a big hug and kiss and then run away.  We will sure miss that car, but we will miss Sharon more.

My Shalye

Oooh how I love this girl.  She is maybe the most quirky thing around.  Every day she has me laughing, sometimes not even at what she says but just how she says it or the voice that she says it in.

For the last few months she will only refer to Malia as 'Shalye'. 

Nearly anything you tell her will get a squeaky response of "Welcome Mom". 
For example: 
ME:  Shalye, I just love you so much.
SHALYE:  Welcome Mom.
ME:  You look so adorable in that outfit!
SHALYE:  Welcome Mom.

It never fits, and I laugh every time.

She will always stand at the bottom of the staircase and say, "Tall, tall mountain.  Too big.  Carry you!"

Truth is, it really does not matter what she says.  It is that squeaky voice and the mannerisms that go with it.    I love that she gets to spend so much time home with me!

IT'S A(nother) GIRL!!!!

Now that we have all grieved just a little, I am happy to announce we are having another baby girl.  She is due June 16th. 

We were all CERTAIN that it was a boy.  I cried a little and was in shock a lot, but am alright now and am really excited to meet this baby girl of ours.  When we were telling the kids what we were having, Tevita started beating his head into the pillow grunting things like, "uuh, I really wanted a brother."  He left the room.  A few minutes later I went into the living room and sat down by him.  He expressed his frustration that he REALLY wanted a brother.  I explained to him that I understood and that daddy and I really wanted a boy too but at this time Heavenly Father has decided that we needed another baby girl to join our family.  Tevita stands up and shaking his fist to the sky, yells,  "Heavenly Father, you are going to pay for this.  You owe me a million bucks."

Christmas Morning

I LOVE CHRISTMAS MORNING!  I always have.  I love the look on my kids faces as they see the surprises that Santa Claus left for them the night before.  I love a full house of friends and family to celebrate together.  This year I decided instead of buying much for the kids I would surprise them with a trip to Disneyland.  I was totally craving a rip off the rock, and thought the memories made would far outweigh the toys they would receive.  
Because I knew the surprise the kids were about to receive I was extra excited this year to see the faces of my babies.  The house was decorated with all things Disney, but the kids did not get it, they just thought we were having a party. 
The minute Tevita finally "got it" was priceless!   It was not until he opened the suitcase present with a toy airplane in it, along with some spending money that the wheels started to turn in his head.  We told him that he had to "Solve the Mystery".  A minute later he threw both hands in the air and exclaimed "WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO".  If only I had a picture of THAT face!  Once he started yelling about it Malia and Shalye started screaming too!!  I love when I can pull of a great surprise.....
We left for Cali the next day and had a blast! 

The rest of Christmas day was great too.  Hours of it was spent playing the Wii that Sharon bought the kids.  If I had any idea that Sharon would be spoiling them with a Wii, I do no think we would have been going to Disneyland.  And of course there was Silly String involved.