Tuesday, April 26, 2011

IT'S A(nother) GIRL!!!!

Now that we have all grieved just a little, I am happy to announce we are having another baby girl.  She is due June 16th. 

We were all CERTAIN that it was a boy.  I cried a little and was in shock a lot, but am alright now and am really excited to meet this baby girl of ours.  When we were telling the kids what we were having, Tevita started beating his head into the pillow grunting things like, "uuh, I really wanted a brother."  He left the room.  A few minutes later I went into the living room and sat down by him.  He expressed his frustration that he REALLY wanted a brother.  I explained to him that I understood and that daddy and I really wanted a boy too but at this time Heavenly Father has decided that we needed another baby girl to join our family.  Tevita stands up and shaking his fist to the sky, yells,  "Heavenly Father, you are going to pay for this.  You owe me a million bucks."

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