Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Christmas Morning

I LOVE CHRISTMAS MORNING!  I always have.  I love the look on my kids faces as they see the surprises that Santa Claus left for them the night before.  I love a full house of friends and family to celebrate together.  This year I decided instead of buying much for the kids I would surprise them with a trip to Disneyland.  I was totally craving a rip off the rock, and thought the memories made would far outweigh the toys they would receive.  
Because I knew the surprise the kids were about to receive I was extra excited this year to see the faces of my babies.  The house was decorated with all things Disney, but the kids did not get it, they just thought we were having a party. 
The minute Tevita finally "got it" was priceless!   It was not until he opened the suitcase present with a toy airplane in it, along with some spending money that the wheels started to turn in his head.  We told him that he had to "Solve the Mystery".  A minute later he threw both hands in the air and exclaimed "WOOOOOO HOOOOOOO".  If only I had a picture of THAT face!  Once he started yelling about it Malia and Shalye started screaming too!!  I love when I can pull of a great surprise.....
We left for Cali the next day and had a blast! 

The rest of Christmas day was great too.  Hours of it was spent playing the Wii that Sharon bought the kids.  If I had any idea that Sharon would be spoiling them with a Wii, I do no think we would have been going to Disneyland.  And of course there was Silly String involved.  

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