I LOVE the holidays. It is a mild obsession I guess. I stay up way too late every holiday & birthday eve to decorate the house and make sure the details are in place. This valentines eve was spent doing to cards that I procrastinated on. Everything was cut out for Tevita and Malia and they just had to write their names on them. It was late, I was getting tired and was rushing them along. Malia happily drew a heart and wrote her name on every card, red marker for the boys and pink for the girls, naturally. Tevita was not happy about it at all (he hates writing and the thought of having to write his name 25 times was not gonna happen). Malia shouted out "I'll do it", and she did! In true Malia fashion she lined up 6 cards at a time, decorated each heart different with smiles, polka dots, plaid etc and signed Tevita. He decided to pay her a quarter for all her hard work. They were both happy.
Signing Tevitas Valentines |
The finished product |
After that, all the kids were asleep except Malia. I told her she had to go to bed cause Cupid was coming. Malia asked "Whats Cupid?", so I took her to the computer and showed her pictures, and told her to go to bed. She did. This Valentines was a particularly special one for her cause she got her ears pierced for christmas and this was they day she had been waiting for to change her earrings. She was the first one up, beaming with excitement as she saw her little valentines basket, rushed over to open it, and then decided that she wanted to wait for everyone else. One by one the kids woke up and the excitement grew. Tevita would not budge so I told her to go wake him up. In the room I hear her explaining to him all about Cupid, the naked angel that goes around and shoots people. He didnt budge. Then she told him about the goodies that were waiting for him and he bounced right out of bed. Everyone ran to their baskets. Malia, my little angel grabbed Linas basket first and read her card to her and then took out everything one by one and showed it to her before opening her own stuff. Ooh, the excitement as my kids opened their baskets. They were so happy. Malia was elated with her new red heart earrings that Cupid brought her.

my baby lina, 8 months old already |
After baskets we enjoyed our favorite breakfast of crepes filled with fresh strawberries, brown sugar and sour cream and rushed off to school. Shortly after that my husband surprised me with a singing telegram. It was totally unexpected and such a fun treat from him. He also surprised me with a bunch of new orchid plants cause he knows they are my favorite! Love that guy! At lunchtime, Shalye, Lina and I went back to the school for the annual Valentines Lunch. After that, I helped with Tevitas class party. I had Lina and Shalye with me. The party was a hit. Afterwords we walked to the car and Shalye told me she had to go to the bathroom. With hands full, Lina in her car seat and toilets far away I told her to just go right there by the car. So she did. I looked down and she had crapped right there in the school parking lot. I laughed, cleaned it up and headed home happy that I got to spend nearly the entire day with my little valentines.