As much as Tevita can drive-me-crazy, he sure can make me laugh. Loud. We have had a few good conversations lately. This one was walking out of church last week.
Tevita: Mom, did you know that Jesus and Santa Claus are brothers?
Me: (laughing out loud) No they are not.
Tevita: Yes they are. I am a really smart boy.
Me: Ok Tevita, why do you think that?
Tevita: (very confident) Cause they have the same beard!
And last night I was trying to talk sternly to Tevita about how I needed him to listen more and blah, blah blah. I was totally serious and pretty upset at him.....and what does he do??? He gets a real pouty look on his face and starts playing an imaginary violin! What the heck? How does he know this stuff? I cracked up, and he got away with no spankings that night.
I hadn't heard those stories before. What a crack up. You do wonder where kids come up with some of the stuff they say.