Today was the laziest day EVER! I only left the house to go to church and go visiting teaching. It was kind-of wonderful. Sharon was up all day. Yay! I enjoy her. And my kids fight over her. The other night they were sharing a chair at the computer, playing a game, when I yelled from the other room for them to go to bed cause they were going to Sharons house the next day. Then I hear Malia say that she is excited cause she gets to go visit her best friend Sharon. Thats when the battle began between Vita and Malia over who is best friends with Sharon,
"Shes my best friend"
"NO, she is my best friend"
"Nope, Sharon is my best friend"
"Well Tevita, she can be both of our best friends"
"No she can't. Well OK fine"
What can we say? We like her....
And as I am writing this Tevita says, "I love you Sharon. I am sorry we did not have a pillow fight or play other games or play outside. So I thought we could play outside when you come again. And we can play bubbles, and Sorry!, and thats all."
Cute Picture:)