Words cannot even describe my Malia. She is one of the sillest, quirkiest, squeakiest, creative people I know.
I just love how she can make a game out of anything, a shape out of anything, a song out of anything.......I could go on and on (and I will in later posts). But this week is has been all about the fashion! She insists on dressing herself and it is one battle not worth fighting. It is always such a treat to see what she will come up with when I tell her to hurry up and get dressed. This morning she came decked out in Tevitas Fila warm-ups (backwards) and Reebok jersey (inside out). She was SO proud. And the outfit she is wearing with the jeans would not be complete of course without the size 9-12 month onesie that she demanded be worn on top of her size 4T shirt. The thing is so tight I just tucked in the snaps. She absolutely insisted, was so proud, and wore it all day even though it was likely the hottest day of the year!